[Instrumentalists]Violinist Mengla Huang 멍라황 黄蒙拉

Violinist Mengla Huang

As one of the most active violinists in the world stage, Mengla Huang occupies a unique position in his native land brimming with astonishing talents. Huang came to international attention after taking first prize at the prestigious Premio Paganini International Violin Competition in Italy in 2002, where he was also awarded with the Renato De Barbieri Memorial Award for the best interpretation of Paganini's Caprices, and the Mario Ruminelli Memorial Award.

As a concert artist, his brilliant technique and unique interpretations have fascinated audiences throughout Asia, Europe and North America. He has performed with many of the world’s finest orchestras including the Dresden Staatskapelle, Bamberg, Danish National, Mexico, Norrköping, Singapore, Sendai, NHK, and Tokyo Symphony Orchestras, the Luxembourg, Nice, Czech, Belgrade, Osaka, Kyoto, Japan and in his native land the China National, and Shanghai, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestras; China, Shanghai, Hong Kong Philharmonics, among many others. Conductors with whom he has collaborated include names such as Neeme Järvi, Jonathan Nott, Long Yu, Mario Venzago, Henrik Schaefer, Muhai Tang, Nicola Luisotti, Edo de Waart, Nikolaj Znaider, Jahja Ling, Jia Lü, Ryusuke Numajiri, Thomas Dausgaard, and Tovey Bramwell.

In April 2007, Huang gave his New York debut at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center and his Boston debut at the Jordan Hall, and the following year toured both Asia and Italy, debuting at Dvorak Hall during the 63rd Prague Spring Festival in May.  He capped the year with an invitation to perform at the grand opening gala of the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing.

The 2009/10 Season saw further debuts and honours, including a featured performance at the ‘Paganini Festival’ in Taiwan, engagements with the Hamburger Symphoniker, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Macao Orchestra, a Japan tour with the NHK Symphony Orchestra and a China tour with the Basel Symphony Orchestra.

At the beginning of 2011, he initiated cooperation with the renowned Dresden Staatskapelle and toured together in China and Germany. Then his tour with Czech Philharmonic Orchestra was marked as the prelude of 2011/12 season. In March 2012, he received great success after the Mexican tour with Maxico National Symphony Orchestra, and the following July he performed with Dresden Staatskapelle again in Germany.

In 2013 he toured with the renowned Württemberg Chamber Orchestra and Prague Chamber Orchestra in China with applauds from the critics and audiences. The year followed by a series concerts in Japan and Italy. in second half of 2014, he will tour in Japan and Italy.

Born after 1980s in Shanghai, Mengla Huang passed his educational years with three great violinists in three most prestigious musical institutions and achieved his degrees separately, these names include Prof. Lina Yu from Shanghai Musical Conservatory; Prof. György Pauk from Royal Academy of Music,UK; and Prof. Thomas Brandis from Musikhochschule Lübeck, Germany.

In addition to the Paganini prizes, Huang was awarded the Gold Medal and Public Prize in the 2001 Sendai International Music Competition in Japan; Best Performance Prize in the 2001 Shanghai Spring International Festival, and the Second Prize in the 2000 Lipinsky and Wieniawsky International Violin Competition in Poland. In 2007, he received the first Montegrappa’s Genio Creativo Award, an annual international award for young talented artists who represent creativity and innovation in different fields of art from different countries. In the same year he also received a series of awards from Royal Academy of Music Foundation and Ricci Foundation. In 2009, he was invited to take the position as the Young Artist in Residence of Shanghai Grand Theatre and the Education Ambassador in Residence of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.

Mengla Huang is a recording artist of Universal Music. 2005 saw his debut album Violin Showpieces on Deutsche Grammophon. His second recital album also released on Deutsche Grammophon, a collection of works written by violinist-composers titled Violinissimo, was released in 2008. His latest recording project was the 24 caprices by Paganini, which was released in 2011. He is the first Chinese violinest who records for DG exclusively.

Huang is currently the Deputy Violin Professor of Shanghai Musical Conservatory. At the same time, he is the guest professor of Japan Ishikawa Music Academy since 2011.

바이올리니스트 멍라 황


오늘 날 중국을 넘어 세계에서 주목받는 바이올리니스트인 멍라 황은 2002년 이탈리아 프리미오 파가니니 국제 바이올린 콩쿠르 우승 및 파가니니카프리스 특별상 수상으로 세계 음악계의 이목을 집중시켰다. 이후 일본 센다이콩쿠르, 폴란드 비에냐프스키 국제 바이올린 콩쿠르에 연이어 입상한 멍라황은 2007년 미국뉴욕링컨센터 데뷔에 이어 63주년 프라하페스티벌, 베이징 국립공연예술센터 그랜드 오프닝연주를 하는 영광을 안았으며 그의 눈부신 테크닉과 음악성은 이후 드레스덴스타츠카펠레, 밤베르그심포니, 덴마크국립, 멕시코, 싱가포르, 센다이, NHK, 도쿄심포니, 룩세부르크, 프랑스 니스, 체코, 벨가그라드, 오사카, 교토, 일본 교향악단 및 상하이,광저우,홍콩 심포니 등의 세계 유수 오케스트라와 협연하며 대중들에게 다가가기 시작했으며, 2007년 뉴욕 링컨센터 및 보스턴 데뷔에 이어 아시아와 이탈리아 리사이틀 투어를 비롯, 제 63회 프라하스프링페스티벌 및 베이징 국립예술극장 초청을 받는 등 그 진가를 발휘하기 시작했다. 2009/10 시즌에는 함부르그심포니의 대만투어, 상하이심포니, 마카오심포니, NHK심포니 전일본투어, 바젤심포니 중국투어의 협연자로 초청받은 바 있으며, 2013/14년에는 뷔템부르그심포니 및 프라하심포니의 중국투어 협연자로 연주하며 대호평을 받았으며, 일본과 이탈리아에서 투어를 이어간 바 있다. 

멍라황은 유니버설레코드 소속으로 도이치그라모폰에서 음반을 발매한 첫 번째 중국 연주자로, 2005년 데뷔앨범을 히작으로 총 3장의 음반을 발매했으며, 특히 2011년 전설적인 파가니니의 24곡의 카프리치오 녹음을 발매하여 음악계의 큰 화제가 된 바 있다. 

1980년 상하이출생인 멍라황은 상하이음대에서 Lina Yu 의 사사로 공부하였으며 이후 영국왕립음악학교에서  György Pauk, 독일 뤼벡음대에서  Thomas Brandis 의 사사를 받았으며, 현재 중국 상해음대 최연소 특임교수로도 재직 중이다. 

현재 중국 Standard-artists 소속인 멍라 황은 2016/17년 1월 파가니니콩쿠르 우승 15주년 기념으로 전 중국 15개 도시에서 파가니니카프리스 전곡연주 리사이틀을 펼치고 있으며, 2017년은 일본에서 파가니니 콘체르토 투어를 준비 중이다.

小提琴家 黄蒙拉


黄蒙拉出生于上海,曾师从张欣、俞丽拿教授、乔治·帕克教授(György Pauk)以及托马斯·布兰蒂斯教授(Thomas Brandis),并先后毕业于上海音乐学院、英国皇家音乐学院和德国吕贝克音乐学院。

作为小提琴独奏家,黄蒙拉长期与各国顶尖乐团及著名指挥合作。合作过的乐团包括德累斯顿国家管弦乐团、班贝格交响乐团、斯图加特广播交响乐团、汉堡交响乐团、丹麦国家交响乐团、瑞士巴塞尔交响乐团、卢森堡爱乐乐团、法国尼斯爱乐乐团、捷克爱乐乐团、贝尔格莱德爱乐乐团、日本NHK交响乐团、日本爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团、上海爱乐乐团、中国爱乐爱乐团、广州交响乐团、墨西哥国家交响乐团、香港管弦乐团等;合作过的著名指挥有尼姆·雅尔维、 乔纳森·诺特、 余隆、亨里克·谢弗、艾度·迪华特、汤沐海、吕嘉、托维·布兰维尔等。


除了帕格尼尼赛事上所获得的奖项,他得到的其他奖项包括:2001年日本仙台国际小提琴比赛金奖及观众奖,2000年波兰列宾斯基—维尼亚夫斯基国际小提琴比赛银奖、观众奖。2007年,黄蒙拉获得了戴维·马丁/弗洛兰斯·胡顿协奏曲大奖和里奇基金会大奖。同年,为了表彰黄蒙拉的艺术成就,意大利著名品牌Montegrappa为这位年青的杰出小提琴演奏家颁发了天才创意艺术大奖(Genio Creativo),以肯定他在古典艺术领域的贡献。2014年担任中国唯一的古典音乐频率FM.947的形象大使,推动古典音乐在中国的发展。为发掘培养下一代小提琴顶尖人才,黄蒙拉应邀担任日本仙台国际音乐大赛等国际国内重大赛事的评委,以及多个音乐节、大师班的特聘小提琴教授。

黄蒙拉的个人专辑由环球唱片Deutsche Grammophon(DG)独家出版发行。《小提琴小品》专辑于2005年发行。《Violinissimo》于2008年推出。《帕格尼尼24首随想曲》专辑于2011年发行。成为第一个与环球DG品牌合作的中国小提琴家。