Violist Nam Joong Kim
South Korean violist Nam Joong Kim is already an established artist. At the age of sixteen, she has garnered top prizes from Seoul National University Competition, Dong-A Music Competition, LG Art Center Opening Ceremony Competition (performance with Menahem Pressler) and Music Journal Competition in her native country, and has performed with major orchestras such as Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and Buchun Philharmonic Orchestra.
Ms. Kim had her first public recital at the age of fourteen at Seoul National Theater premiering a work by Johan Kvandal, which led to many performances at prestigious venues such as Sejong Cultural Center, Kumho Foundation, LG Art Center and live performance at Arte TV “Show Case” and EBS “Empathy” in Seoul, Korea. Ms. Kim has been invited as one of the leading musicians in Asia by Miyazaki Music Festival directed by Issac Stern, and has performed in theIssac Stern Chamber Music Festival and at the Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium.Further more, Ms. Kim’s performances have been heard at the InternationalMusicians Seminar “Prussia cove” , Aspen Music Festival and Bowdoin International Music Festival in USA. As a fervent dedicator for new music, Ms.Kim has been actively collaborating with living composers in Korea.
Ms. Kim is a top full scholarship graduate of Seoul National University, and continued her further studies at the Indiana University with Atar Arad, and received the Graduate Performance Diploma as a recipient of Music Merit Award. And she studied master of music education of pedagogy. Ms. Kim has been a violist of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra for nine years, and has worked with such artists as Pinchas Zukerman and Kyung Wha Chung touring North America and Europe.
As a member of Asia Youth Orchestra, Ms. Kim has also performed at the White House and the United Nation, N.Y. for the 50th Anniversary of the United Nation, and toured Asia with cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Currently Namjoong is a member of Korean Chamber Orchestra and Asia Philharmonic Orchestra. As an educator, the Korea Music Educators Society member, Ms. Kim has produced “Dancing bow” project by giving opportunities to young violists to perform in public, and has conducted many charity concerts to the disabled children.
She is currently an adjunct faculty at the Sook Myung Womens University. She had a solo recital at Berlin Philharmonic Hall in Germany 2015, and Debut Recital at Carnegie Hall as a part of 2014 Emerging Musicians Series and Awarded The Prize of New Jersey Senates for Her solo performance in the World Memorial Event of Comfort Women in 2014. Her future engagements have included lecture recitals of works by Paul Hindemith in various cities in South Korea.
비올리스트 김남중
서울대학교를 현악 수석으로 입학, 졸업하였으며 인디애나 대학교에서 연주학 석사를 전액장학금을 받으며 수석 졸업하였다.그것에 머물지 않고 2016년 음악교육학 으로도 석사를 취득하였다.지난 2015. 10월 독일 베를린 필하모닉홀 에서 초청독주회를 가져 큰 찬사를 얻고. 2014년 뉴욕 카네기홀에서도 초청 독주회를 가졌으며 특히 2014년에는 문화교류를 통해 뉴저지 주 상원의원상을 수상하며 한국의 위상을 드높이는 아티스트로써 자리매김 하였다. 14 살에 한국최초로 학생으로 첫 비올라독주회를 열었으며 한국을 대표하는 연주자로 뽑혀 미국 백악관과 뉴욕 UN 본부. 및 아시아와 미국,유럽을 순회연주 하였고, 명 바이올리니스트 아이작스턴에게 선택되어 일본산토리홀 과 미국의 카네기홀을 비롯 유명연주홀에서 연주회를 가졌다. 오랜 기간 서울시립 교향악단에서 역량을 쌓고, 국제구호기구 월드휴먼브리지, 혼혈아동을 돕는 메신저인터내셔널, 국립서울맹학교 등 다수의 NGO 행사를 통해 소외계층에게 재능기부로 아낌없이 자신의 음악을 나눠주고 있는 미덕을 겸비한 연주자다. 2016년 미국Summit music festival 에 faculty 와Artist 로 초청되었으며 ,6월 중국상해대학교 초청강의와 연주, 8월 뉴욕 UN초청으로 UN 에서 한국 대표 음악가로 연주 할 예정이며 미국에서 열리는 8.15 광복절 기념 연주회에 협연 음악회를 가질 예정이다.
中提琴 金南中
首尔艺术中学,首尔大学毕业,印第安纳音乐学院 硕士,现 淑明女子大学 助教授
Violist Nam Joong Kim
South Korean violist Nam Joong Kim is already an established artist. At the age of sixteen, she has garnered top prizes from Seoul National University Competition, Dong-A Music Competition, LG Art Center Opening Ceremony Competition (performance with Menahem Pressler) and Music Journal Competition in her native country, and has performed with major orchestras such as Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and Buchun Philharmonic Orchestra.
Ms. Kim had her first public recital at the age of fourteen at Seoul National Theater premiering a work by Johan Kvandal, which led to many performances at prestigious venues such as Sejong Cultural Center, Kumho Foundation, LG Art Center and live performance at Arte TV “Show Case” and EBS “Empathy” in Seoul, Korea. Ms. Kim has been invited as one of the leading musicians in Asia by Miyazaki Music Festival directed by Issac Stern, and has performed in theIssac Stern Chamber Music Festival and at the Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium.Further more, Ms. Kim’s performances have been heard at the InternationalMusicians Seminar “Prussia cove” , Aspen Music Festival and Bowdoin International Music Festival in USA. As a fervent dedicator for new music, Ms.Kim has been actively collaborating with living composers in Korea.
Ms. Kim is a top full scholarship graduate of Seoul National University, and continued her further studies at the Indiana University with Atar Arad, and received the Graduate Performance Diploma as a recipient of Music Merit Award. And she studied master of music education of pedagogy. Ms. Kim has been a violist of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra for nine years, and has worked with such artists as Pinchas Zukerman and Kyung Wha Chung touring North America and Europe.
As a member of Asia Youth Orchestra, Ms. Kim has also performed at the White House and the United Nation, N.Y. for the 50th Anniversary of the United Nation, and toured Asia with cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Currently Namjoong is a member of Korean Chamber Orchestra and Asia Philharmonic Orchestra. As an educator, the Korea Music Educators Society member, Ms. Kim has produced “Dancing bow” project by giving opportunities to young violists to perform in public, and has conducted many charity concerts to the disabled children.
She is currently an adjunct faculty at the Sook Myung Womens University. She had a solo recital at Berlin Philharmonic Hall in Germany 2015, and Debut Recital at Carnegie Hall as a part of 2014 Emerging Musicians Series and Awarded The Prize of New Jersey Senates for Her solo performance in the World Memorial Event of Comfort Women in 2014. Her future engagements have included lecture recitals of works by Paul Hindemith in various cities in South Korea.
비올리스트 김남중
서울대학교를 현악 수석으로 입학, 졸업하였으며 인디애나 대학교에서 연주학 석사를 전액장학금을 받으며 수석 졸업하였다.그것에 머물지 않고 2016년 음악교육학 으로도 석사를 취득하였다.지난 2015. 10월 독일 베를린 필하모닉홀 에서 초청독주회를 가져 큰 찬사를 얻고. 2014년 뉴욕 카네기홀에서도 초청 독주회를 가졌으며 특히 2014년에는 문화교류를 통해 뉴저지 주 상원의원상을 수상하며 한국의 위상을 드높이는 아티스트로써 자리매김 하였다. 14 살에 한국최초로 학생으로 첫 비올라독주회를 열었으며 한국을 대표하는 연주자로 뽑혀 미국 백악관과 뉴욕 UN 본부. 및 아시아와 미국,유럽을 순회연주 하였고, 명 바이올리니스트 아이작스턴에게 선택되어 일본산토리홀 과 미국의 카네기홀을 비롯 유명연주홀에서 연주회를 가졌다. 오랜 기간 서울시립 교향악단에서 역량을 쌓고, 국제구호기구 월드휴먼브리지, 혼혈아동을 돕는 메신저인터내셔널, 국립서울맹학교 등 다수의 NGO 행사를 통해 소외계층에게 재능기부로 아낌없이 자신의 음악을 나눠주고 있는 미덕을 겸비한 연주자다. 2016년 미국Summit music festival 에 faculty 와Artist 로 초청되었으며 ,6월 중국상해대학교 초청강의와 연주, 8월 뉴욕 UN초청으로 UN 에서 한국 대표 음악가로 연주 할 예정이며 미국에서 열리는 8.15 광복절 기념 연주회에 협연 음악회를 가질 예정이다.
中提琴 金南中
首尔艺术中学,首尔大学毕业,印第安纳音乐学院 硕士,现 淑明女子大学 助教授