Violinist Vladimir Dyo
Since his debut with the Kazakh State Symphony Orchestra at age 12, Vladimir Dyo has toured and performed in prestigious venues of the former USSR, Europe, Asia, and the United States, including Rachmaninoff Hall, Tchaikovsky Hall, Column Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, UNESCO, KBS Hall, Carnegie Hall, Walt Disney Hall, Seoul Arts Center etc. His individual tone and personal approach to phrasing set him apart from his peers. Critics write: "His mystic contour merged with the instrument and hypnotized the audience....Subtlety and flawlessness of Rachmaninoff's endlessly versatile music created such an emotional reaction with the audience that many had tears in their eyes..." (N. Zemlyakova). "Dyo's Sarasate was dazzling..." (Michael Church, BBC World Service).
He has received numerous top awards from national and international competitions (including Grand Prize at the Michelangelo Abbado International Competition in Milan, Italy, 2nd prize at the International Yampolski Violin Competition in Moscow, Russia, Grand prizes at the National and International Competitions in Kazakhstan to name a few.), foundations, and politicians. Vladimir was featured on BBC World Service program hosted by Michael Church, "Classical Collection" program hosted by Philipp Richardsen and "This Morning" program hosted by Alex Jensen on eFM 101.3, Korea's No.1 Foreign Language Station, and multiple times on Kazakhstan National Radio and Television. In 2015, he was invited to perform as guest soloist with Ulsan Philharmonic Orchestra at Carnegie Hall (Stern Auditorium) and at the Peace Concert at the United Nations General Headquarters in NY, along with coloratura soprano Sumi Jo and conductor Hong-Jae Kim.
Vladimir was featured as soloist and chamber musician at the international music festivals including the Graduates of Moscow Conservatory (Russia), Ost-West-Musikfest, Prague-Vienna-Budapest, and Mozarteum (Austria). The Cliburn Institute (USA), Seoul International Music Camp Festival, GwangJu International Classic Festival (Korea), the iPalpiti International Laureates Festival (Los Angeles, USA), and has collaborated with eminent musicians. In 2014, Dyo was appointed Concertmaster of the New Jersey Capital Philharmonic. In 2016, he co-founded Solo & Chamber Music Concert Series with his brother Yevgeniy, and serves as its artistic director.
As devoted pedagogue, Dyo continues the traditions of the Bel Canto Violin School. He currently serves as faculty member and coordinator of chamber ensembles at the Boyer College of Music and Dance; he also serves as violin faculty at the Seoul International Music Camp Festival in South Korea. Prior to joining Temple faculty, Dyo taught violin and conducted the symphony orchestra at the Kazakh National Academy of Music, Astana, Kazakhstan; served as concertmaster of the Kazakh State Chamber Orchestra, and was featured as faculty member and assistant conductor at the Summit Music Festival in New York. His research interests include application of bel canto style to violin performance, string performance and pedagogy.
Dyo's students have performed at various venues including prestigious Perelman Theater in Philadelphia and Weil Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall in New York, as winners of local and international competitions. He has adjudicated the Youth Competition of Korean Musicians Association of Philadelphia in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and the Eastern Division Students Competition of Music Teachers’ National Association in 2011.
Since 7, Vladimir had studied violin at the State's Special Baiseitova Music School for gifted children in Alma-Ata, and Kazakh National Academy of Music (currently Kazakh National University of Arts) in Astana. He is deeply grateful to his teachers Svetlana Abdussadykova, Raissa and Aiman Mussahadjaeva in Kazakhstan; and most important, to Dr. Eduard Schmieder, who taught him the violin performance style of the Golden Age; he studied with him at SMU and Temple University. Vladimir Dyo holds a degree in Violin Performance and Pedagogy from the Kazakh National Academy of Music, Artist Certificate and M.M. in Violin Performance from Southern Methodist University, and D.M.A. in Violin Performance from Temple University.
바이올리니스트 블라디미르 조
“ 조의 사라사테는 눈부시다. 완벽한 테크닉과 강한 표현력, 진실되고 명확한 사운드를 가진 연주자. “ – Michael Church, BBC.
바이올리니스트 블라디미르 조는 12세부터 연주활동을 시작하여 밀라노 미켈란젤로 아바도 국제콩쿠르,러시아 얌폴스키 국제콩쿠르를 비롯한 수 많은 국제콩쿠르에서 우승 및 입상하였고, 러시아를 비롯하여 유럽,아시아,미국내의 주요 홀에서 연주하였으며, 그의 연주는 영국BBC및 카자흐스탄국립라디오프로그램 등에서 중계된 바 있다. 조는 세계를 무대로 활동하며 카자흐스탄대통령상을 비롯하여 러시아 두브나 재단, LA 시장으로부터 공로상 등을 수여 받은 바 있으며, 놀라운 테크닉과 가슴을 울리는 표현력으로 우리 시대의 젊은 거장으로 자리잡고 있다.
일찍이 한국에서 사할린으로 건너간 블라디미르 조의 조부는 카자흐스탄에 정착하여 1930년 한국인 극장을 설립하고 한국의 전통춤과 의상을 계승하는 일에 평생을 바쳤고, 조의 부친은 “아리랑앙상블”의 솔리스트였다. 블라디미르 조는 카자흐스탄에서 태어나 Raissa, Aiman Mussakhajayeva 사사로 자신의 독창적 테크닉과 음악세계를 만들기 시작했고, 미국에 건너와서 Eduard Schmieder 문하에서 Bel Canto창법을 연구하며 그만의 바이올린주법과 음악철학을 완성했으며, 한국과 러시아, 미국의 문화에 대한 깊은 이해와 철학을 가지고 있다.
상업적 아이디어만 앞세우는 현대음악계에서 블라디미르 조의 음악은 보기 드물게 문화와 시공을 초월하는 깊이 있는 감동을 주며, 그 역시 자신의 연주가 국경과 인종을 넘어 인류에 메시지를 던지기를 원한다. 바이올리니스트 블라디미르 조는 전 세계를 무대로 활발한 연주활동을 하는 동시에 미국 템플 음악대학에 최연소교수로 임용되어 재직 중이다.
Violinist Vladimir Dyo
Since his debut with the Kazakh State Symphony Orchestra at age 12, Vladimir Dyo has toured and performed in prestigious venues of the former USSR, Europe, Asia, and the United States, including Rachmaninoff Hall, Tchaikovsky Hall, Column Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, UNESCO, KBS Hall, Carnegie Hall, Walt Disney Hall, Seoul Arts Center etc. His individual tone and personal approach to phrasing set him apart from his peers. Critics write: "His mystic contour merged with the instrument and hypnotized the audience....Subtlety and flawlessness of Rachmaninoff's endlessly versatile music created such an emotional reaction with the audience that many had tears in their eyes..." (N. Zemlyakova). "Dyo's Sarasate was dazzling..." (Michael Church, BBC World Service).
He has received numerous top awards from national and international competitions (including Grand Prize at the Michelangelo Abbado International Competition in Milan, Italy, 2nd prize at the International Yampolski Violin Competition in Moscow, Russia, Grand prizes at the National and International Competitions in Kazakhstan to name a few.), foundations, and politicians. Vladimir was featured on BBC World Service program hosted by Michael Church, "Classical Collection" program hosted by Philipp Richardsen and "This Morning" program hosted by Alex Jensen on eFM 101.3, Korea's No.1 Foreign Language Station, and multiple times on Kazakhstan National Radio and Television. In 2015, he was invited to perform as guest soloist with Ulsan Philharmonic Orchestra at Carnegie Hall (Stern Auditorium) and at the Peace Concert at the United Nations General Headquarters in NY, along with coloratura soprano Sumi Jo and conductor Hong-Jae Kim.
Vladimir was featured as soloist and chamber musician at the international music festivals including the Graduates of Moscow Conservatory (Russia), Ost-West-Musikfest, Prague-Vienna-Budapest, and Mozarteum (Austria). The Cliburn Institute (USA), Seoul International Music Camp Festival, GwangJu International Classic Festival (Korea), the iPalpiti International Laureates Festival (Los Angeles, USA), and has collaborated with eminent musicians. In 2014, Dyo was appointed Concertmaster of the New Jersey Capital Philharmonic. In 2016, he co-founded Solo & Chamber Music Concert Series with his brother Yevgeniy, and serves as its artistic director.
As devoted pedagogue, Dyo continues the traditions of the Bel Canto Violin School. He currently serves as faculty member and coordinator of chamber ensembles at the Boyer College of Music and Dance; he also serves as violin faculty at the Seoul International Music Camp Festival in South Korea. Prior to joining Temple faculty, Dyo taught violin and conducted the symphony orchestra at the Kazakh National Academy of Music, Astana, Kazakhstan; served as concertmaster of the Kazakh State Chamber Orchestra, and was featured as faculty member and assistant conductor at the Summit Music Festival in New York. His research interests include application of bel canto style to violin performance, string performance and pedagogy.
Dyo's students have performed at various venues including prestigious Perelman Theater in Philadelphia and Weil Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall in New York, as winners of local and international competitions. He has adjudicated the Youth Competition of Korean Musicians Association of Philadelphia in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and the Eastern Division Students Competition of Music Teachers’ National Association in 2011.
Since 7, Vladimir had studied violin at the State's Special Baiseitova Music School for gifted children in Alma-Ata, and Kazakh National Academy of Music (currently Kazakh National University of Arts) in Astana. He is deeply grateful to his teachers Svetlana Abdussadykova, Raissa and Aiman Mussahadjaeva in Kazakhstan; and most important, to Dr. Eduard Schmieder, who taught him the violin performance style of the Golden Age; he studied with him at SMU and Temple University. Vladimir Dyo holds a degree in Violin Performance and Pedagogy from the Kazakh National Academy of Music, Artist Certificate and M.M. in Violin Performance from Southern Methodist University, and D.M.A. in Violin Performance from Temple University.
바이올리니스트 블라디미르 조
“ 조의 사라사테는 눈부시다. 완벽한 테크닉과 강한 표현력, 진실되고 명확한 사운드를 가진 연주자. “ – Michael Church, BBC.
바이올리니스트 블라디미르 조는 12세부터 연주활동을 시작하여 밀라노 미켈란젤로 아바도 국제콩쿠르,러시아 얌폴스키 국제콩쿠르를 비롯한 수 많은 국제콩쿠르에서 우승 및 입상하였고, 러시아를 비롯하여 유럽,아시아,미국내의 주요 홀에서 연주하였으며, 그의 연주는 영국BBC및 카자흐스탄국립라디오프로그램 등에서 중계된 바 있다. 조는 세계를 무대로 활동하며 카자흐스탄대통령상을 비롯하여 러시아 두브나 재단, LA 시장으로부터 공로상 등을 수여 받은 바 있으며, 놀라운 테크닉과 가슴을 울리는 표현력으로 우리 시대의 젊은 거장으로 자리잡고 있다.
일찍이 한국에서 사할린으로 건너간 블라디미르 조의 조부는 카자흐스탄에 정착하여 1930년 한국인 극장을 설립하고 한국의 전통춤과 의상을 계승하는 일에 평생을 바쳤고, 조의 부친은 “아리랑앙상블”의 솔리스트였다. 블라디미르 조는 카자흐스탄에서 태어나 Raissa, Aiman Mussakhajayeva 사사로 자신의 독창적 테크닉과 음악세계를 만들기 시작했고, 미국에 건너와서 Eduard Schmieder 문하에서 Bel Canto창법을 연구하며 그만의 바이올린주법과 음악철학을 완성했으며, 한국과 러시아, 미국의 문화에 대한 깊은 이해와 철학을 가지고 있다.
상업적 아이디어만 앞세우는 현대음악계에서 블라디미르 조의 음악은 보기 드물게 문화와 시공을 초월하는 깊이 있는 감동을 주며, 그 역시 자신의 연주가 국경과 인종을 넘어 인류에 메시지를 던지기를 원한다. 바이올리니스트 블라디미르 조는 전 세계를 무대로 활발한 연주활동을 하는 동시에 미국 템플 음악대학에 최연소교수로 임용되어 재직 중이다.